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The 300-kilometre itinerary is divided into 19 stretches, enabling the visitor to discover all the beauty and uniqueness of the area”s landscape and villages.

Our stretch is number 6, and it is just above us, to reach it you can start from Capileira or Trevelez. It is well signalled.

Longitud del trazado: 17.4 km Click for other stretches of the Sulayr trail.

OUR STRETCH 6:      Capileira – Trevélez

Length of the stretch: 17.4 km Duration: 5-7 hours.
This scenic route links the two highest villages in the Sierra Nevada.
The first half climbs through holm oak and pine forests, crossing irrigation channels, streams and medium and high altitude grassland to reach La Loma del Jabalí, a ridge with a breathtaking natural observation balcony overlooking the Trevélez valley and the Mediterranean.

OUR STRETCH 6:      Capileira – Trevélez

Length of the stretch: 17.4 km Duration: 5-7 hours.
This scenic route links the two highest villages in the Sierra Nevada.
The first half climbs through holm oak and pine forests, crossing irrigation channels, streams and medium and high altitude grassland to reach La Loma del Jabalí, a ridge with a breathtaking natural observation balcony overlooking the Trevélez valley and the Mediterranean.

If we are lucky we may also see a golden eagle soaring across the magnificent skyline, or even come across an Iberian mountain goat moving over the hillside.

From here the trail descends diagonally towards the oak grove at the Barranco de la Bina gorge, crossing old farmland where we can still see evidence of the traditional activities carried out by the mountain peoples (water pools, threshing floors, livestock pens, etc.).
Finally we follow the woodland track to the hidden village of Trevélez. (restaurants here to reward yourselves. Also in Capileira if your are walking the other way!)
NOTE: A high peak Interpretation Service operates from Spring onwards, with minibuses taking visitors uphill from Capileira on the Carretera de la Sierra road. There is an intermediate stop at La Barrera de la Hoya del Portillo, where they can join the Sulayr trail, at 2.150 m.
